Pleasant Mattress names Moore as chief of staff

FRESNO, Calif. – Mike Moore, a former senior executive with family-owned and operated mattress manufacturer Pleasant Mattress, has been named to the company’s newly created chief of staff position.

Moore, who has been with Pleasant Mattress for eight years and in the bedding industry for nearly 25 years, will continue to oversee sales and marketing for the company in his new position. Additionally, Moore will also serve as a senior advisor and thought-leadership partner, working to drive the company’s internal strategic priorities and represent it at public and industry events.

Rion Morgenstern, Pleasant Mattress’ CEO and president, said he created the chief of staff position specifically for Moore.

“Mike has been an integral part of our organization for eight years, and during that time, he has earned my great trust and faith. We’re putting more responsibility on Mike to be the leader of leaders within our organization,” Morgenstern said. “He’ll also continue to be my sounding board and a provider of honest feedback as we continue to grow.”

Morgenstern said Moore’s new position was critical in part because of the recent growth the company has undergone through the acquisition of the manufacturing arm of McRoskey and the expansion on things like its Spring Air license, which it has extended to 13 additional states.

“My responsibilities are now pushed further outside the company in looking at Pleasant Mattress’ strategic growth,” Morgenstern said. “I rely on Mike to check my blind spots and ensure my vision translates to the planned growth trajectory.”